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Commencement Home
Degree Conferral
Diplomas and Certificates
Participate in Commencement
Currently selected
Intent to Participate in Commencement
Complete the form below to sign up to participate in this year’s commencement ceremony. Your participation in Commencement must be approved by:
Your department chair for masters level students
Your department and dissertation chairs for doctorate students
Personal Information
Legal First Name:
Legal Last Name:
Saybrook Email Address:
Phone Number:
Check all that apply:
Student Organization Leader
Saybrook Standout
Degree Information
Degree Program:
Phonetic spelling of name:
(e.g. Josephine Anne Smith: Jo–sef–EEN An Smith)
Will you or your guest require any disability accommodations? (e.g. wheelchair access)
Master Students
Have you completed all degree requirements?
Will you complete all requirements in the term/semester in which the commencement ceremony will occur?
Did you complete a Capstone or Thesis?
If yes, please provide the title of your Capstone or Thesis.
Doctorate Students
Have you completed all degree requirements?
(including internship/dissertation, if applicable):
Will you complete all requirements in the term/semester in which the commencement ceremony will occur?
Full Dissertation Title: (doctoral students only)
Dissertation Chair: (doctoral students only)
Have you completed all degree requirements (including internship/dissertation, if applicable):
I certify all information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Commencement is a ceremony. Participation in Commencement is voluntary, and neither confers a degree nor releases you from your obligation to satisfactorily complete curricular or other degree program requirements. Participation in commencement does not confer a degree. Your diploma will be issued only when all academic requirements are complete, the Petition to Graduate is submitted, and all financial accounts are cleared.
I understand that the ability to participate in the commencement ceremony will determined by my department chair (for masters level students) or my department and dissertation chair (for doctorate level students).*