​​​​Student Professional Development Fund

The Student Professional Development Fund exists to provide Saybrook University students with opportunities to seek professional development outside of the learning environment.  By subsidizing the costs for these activities, this fund allows students to hone professional practice, ​build professional connections and network with colleagues and peers in their respective fields.​​​​


Students who are seeking reimbursement for professional development opportunities must be:

  • Actively enrolled in a degree program at the time of submission.
  • In good academic standing.

Student Professional Development Funding is available for one of the following opportunities per fiscal year (June 1st- May 31st):

  • Students are eligible to seek reimbursement of up to $250 towards conference registration fees.
  • Students are eligible to seek reimbursement of up to $200 towards a professional development training.
  • ​Students are eligible to seek reimbursement of up to $100 towards professional membership dues.

Reimbursement Process

Upon receipt of the Student Development Fund Application and supporting materials, students will receive email confirmation of receipt and approval or denial of the request.  If funding is approved, students will receive reimbursement via direct deposit through their student account or a check will be mailed to the address on file.  Funds issued via direct deposit are reimbursed within 3-5 business days of approval or up to 14 business days if done by check. 

When seeking reimbursement, note the following:

  • Funding is not guaranteed and available on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Students will be reimbursed upon completion of the training or conference.
  • Student must submit the Student Professional Development Fund Application and receipt for conference registration fees/professional development training registration fees/professional membership dues within 30 days of the conference date or purchase.

Applying for Reimbursement

Students seeking professional development funds are required to submit the Student Professional Development Fund Application​ and receipts to be considered.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply?

All active Saybrook students who are in good academic standing are eligible.

Can I apply more than once?

Students are eligible to seek one reimbursement per fiscal year (June 1st – May 31st) for conference registration fees, professional development training registration fees OR professional membership dues.

My friends and I are attending a conference/training together.  Can we apply as a group?

No, each student must apply for professional development funding separately.

Is funding guaranteed?

Student Professional Development Funding is not guaranteed and subject to budget availability.  Reimbursement funding is available to students on a first come, first serve basis.

Can I seek reimbursement for attending the Residential Conference?

No, funding is designated to support students seeking external professional development opportunities.

If you have any questions, contact [email protected].​

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