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The term "student organization" refers to any group of students officially recognized by Saybrook

University as a registered organization.  Student organizations are formed by a group of students​ around a common interest.  Student organization membership is limited to current active Saybrook students.​

If you have questions about starting a student organization contact us [email protected].​​

Student Interest Group

A Student Interest Group (SIG) is a group of organized students with a common interest that pexels-anna-shvets-4226262.jpgwould like to formally establish a group and have the option to eventually create a Recognized ​Student Organization (RSO) on campus.  The organization will act as a group for 6 months (at least 1 recorded general meeting for 6 months straight) and complete training. When ready, SIGs can apply to become an RSO.  ​

You can apply to SIG by filling out this application. 

SIG Application - Must be completed for consideration. 

​​​​What privileges come with being a SIG?

•      Request funding for an event by completing the Student Interest Group Funding Request Form and emailing it to Student Affairs at least 3 weeks before the event. Applications will be reviewed, and funding allocations will be made based on the strength of the application/availability of funds.

•      Collaborate with another RSO on an event

•      Inclusion of information given to incoming new students and prospective students

•      Inclusion on the Student Gateway website - The group's name and the email address of the group's main leader​ will be on the site.

•      Faculty/staff advisement

•      After 6 months of viable existence (minimum of 6 meetings), SIG will be eligible to request funding for mission-consistent activities while working on the RSO application. ​


Recognized Student Organization ​

A Recognized Student Organization (RSO) is a group of organized students with a common interest ​that have functioned as a successful Student Interest Group (SIG) on campus.  Recognized Student Organizations provide opportunities for students to broaden their academic experiences. These affiliations can provide social, intellectual, political, cultural, spiritual, recreational, and professional growth to individual students.

The benefits of being an RSO include the following:

•      Inclusion of information given to incoming new students and prospective students

•      Inclusion on the Student Gateway website

•      Student organization e-mail account

•      Faculty/staff advisement

•      Funding available for mission-consistent activities​​

​​​​​recognized Student Organization:

​The Black Activism in Action Community Association 

Our mission is to hold students and faculty accountable for dismantling systems of oppression and to foster multicultural inclusivity among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) within counseling spaces. Our goal is to bring activism and equity into counselor education and future professional practices.​

If you are interested in learning more about the Activism in Action Counseling Association, contact:

President​ - Sheri Simmons

Vice President - Cassondra Jackson 

Secretary - Cassondra Jackson 

Treasurer - 

Advisor - Annette Anderson-Engler​

Saybrook Psych​ophysiology Association

Saybrook’s Psychophysiology Association (SPA) is open to all students with the objective of applying and expanding one's knowledge of psychophysiology including neurofeedback, biofeedback, and hypnosis. SPA also focuses on networking within the community and committing to the needs of psychophysiology students.​

If you are interested in learning more about the Saybrook Psychiophysiology Association, contact:

President​ - Nich​olas ​Whittredge

Vice Preseident - Nich​olas ​Whittredge

Treasurer - Phoebe Manalang

Secretary - Bonnie Cardell

Advisor - Cynthia Kerson

The Queer Alliance Collective

The Queer Alliance Collective (QAC) is a group of queer allies and those on the LGBTQ+ spectrum that aims to hold a safe space to gather, learn, and connect. The goal of QAC is to provide a space for the LGBTQ+ community and their allies at Saybrook, students and staff alike, to meet and discuss current topics in LGBTQ+ news through key speaker presentations and intimate gatherings. Monthly meetings will be held on the first Monday of the month where a specific topic will be discussed and an open forum will be provided in the form of “Fire-side Chats”, where members can freely discuss personal issues, questions, or topics. This group is unique in that we want to be inclusive of not just students, but Saybrook faculty as well. This open, inclusive dynamic will provide exponential opportunities to engage across subjects and make meaningful connections that can enrich the Saybrook experience. 

If you are interested in joining or would like more information please contact:
President - Mikey LaBruna (he/they)

Vice President - Sarafina Landis (they)

Treasurer - Athina Chiron (she/they)

Secretary - Bre Smith (she/they)​

Advisor - Jennifer Preston

Society of Interdisciplinary Psychology ​ 

Building bridges between Saybrook's humanistic psychology and student-body collective. Welcome to an open invitation that links Saybrook's integrative network of community support systems and resources with the engagement of diverse community wisdom that rises within its collaboration.​

If you are interested in learning more about the Society of Interdisciplinary Psychology, contact:


Chinmay Surpur (Chair of Operations)

Nina Faull (Chair of Administration)

Isabella Dagher (Chair of External Affairs) 

Chriss Sheppard (Chair of Finance)

Advisors: Dr. Vanessa Brown (Clinical Psychology Department), Dr. Vasiliki Georgoulas-Sherry (Psychology Department)


​​Saybrook Psychedelic Society​

Saybrook Psychedelic Society provides a safe space for like-minded individuals to collaborate, advocate and educate on all things related to non-ordinary states of consciousness. It is our goal to partner with a number of influential organizations, to equip us with the skills and resources we need to successfully take part in the Psychedelic Revolution that is now taking place before us. It is our goal to foster compassion and intelligence. discussions of psychedelics, psychedelic states, and the cultural implications of these powerful medicines, while also incorporating critical analysis and discussions in response to cutting-edge research around psychedelics as well.  

​Advocates of Accommodation & Accessibility​

Advocates of Accommodation & Accessibility​ (A3) is a student-led group dedicated to fostering a safe forum for those with disabilities and their allies to express their individual voices and unique concerns regarding the challenges faced by disabled students within graduate school.

​If you are interested in learning more about the Advocates of Accommodation & Accessibility​, contact:

Advocacy Coordinator: Jennifer Taylor

Administrative Collaborator: Lucas Beecham

Advocacy Developer: Chistina Phelps

Financial Consultant: Tamieka Barrett

Advocacy Liaisons: Isabella Dagher and Mayra Arias

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Betz King​

Saybrook Hypnosis Society ​

Saybrook Hypnosis Society promotes ongoing education, research, and participation in the ethical application of clinical hypnosis and provides​ students, faculty, and alumni with a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment to explore both the art and science of hypnosis. ​

​If you are interested in learning more about the Saybrook Hypnosis Society​, contact:

President - Alison Iati

Vice President - Kelly Hughart

Treasurer - Theresa Wilt

Secretary - Truth Wright

Advisor: Dr. Eric Willmarth 
